Sunday, 28 October 2012

my face?? lot of differencess!!

assalamualaikummm... hello2 lame x update lagi kennn... cik Abella rinduu sngadd nk update... hbis PMR katenyerr...ahahah :D well... tngok pd tajuk d atas~~ my face?? lot of differencess!! ahaha..maksudnya muka aku dh berubah dri dulu yg berbintik2 n berblack/white head..skrang dh licinnn berseriio *katenyer... aku nk share la ngan korang x kira laki2 or prmpuan... x kisah la korang bce ke x.. just sharing2.. :D oke..first step aku pkai nie:

ni sabun pencuci muka.. berkesan hilangkan white heads n black heads.. confirm..cik Abella guarantee kalau uolss pkai ni..mmng terbaekk :D name sabun nie ~ :: IRISE MAGICK BEAUTY BAR harga RM30.00 *kecik molek tpi harga mahal n it really works !

secondly,, aku pkai Ez's Astringent sebagai toner, mostly for oily skins and it also kasi kecilkan pori2 yg terbuka...especially after uols buat facial..kan2...  hehehh here : EZ'S ASTRINGENT , harga x berapa nk ingat..but agak mahal jugak..but it's way better than Ez's Toner.. cuma yg ni bila uols pkai, rase mcm agak pedih mint pun ade..ehehe.. 

okepp..after step ke-2 dh sapu Astringent tu, nextly uols kena apply IRESE INTENSIVE WHITE: MOISTURISING EMULSION. supaya kulit x kering lepas apply toner tu... n dia bleh kasi kulit cerah.. seriusly :) here : 

harga Moisturiser ni RM35.00... ahaha... tpi x kisah kalau uols nk pkai set dia pun okey...but i sarankan uols pkai cmne yg i pkai..insya-Allah berkesan..cuma jngan putus dngan mereka2 okey :) 

that's all for update will coming soon :D 

Miss Abella Dievca
28 October 2012
5.36 pm