Tuesday 1 November 2011

my own sentence~~ cik Abella buat ayatt..ngeh3.. pikir2 sendiri jaaa...

hey guys and galss,...mmmuuahh..!!  hehe.. aku boring2 mulalah buat ayat sendiri..  urmm...straight from my heart... check it outt~~

" I walked alone,
at the street, and it was rain,
I was sad, and my tears are falling down,
I sit on a bench near the bakery shop,
I begin to cry... I screamed 
but no one hear it..
Feel like the world is dark..
No ones out..

It hurts deeply inside,
and feel like wanna die,
All alone on the street road till the midnight...

Suddenly a man come towards me,
He sits and hug me,
It's so warm,
I looked up into his eyes, who could that be..

It was him..who sent by God,
to accompany me, and cure my sadness..
I smiled and I thanked God..
He is the chosen one =) "

okehh...itu yang aku tulis lepas habis exam..hehe.. walaupun x seberapa..aku just suka2.. kannn... toink2~

Miss Abella
1 November 2011
4.34 p.m